Hello everyone !!
First of all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and had a lovely time with your friends and families. With 2020 officially on the way, it's that time of year when everyone is concentrating on making new goals for the new year. Whether you are participating in Veganuary (if so, congrats and best of luck !) or just want to make new changes in your life, I want you all to remember that it isn't about making a "brand new you"
A new year doesn't have to mean drastic changes to yourself but can just be the small steps to making little improvements that help in big ways. These little steps can range from anything from having a meat-free day once a week or spending a few minutes a day to some healthy exercise, what is most important is that you benefit from these changes and that you enjoy them rather than feeling like they are a chore.
My new year little steps to make myself a little happier are to write more on my blog. Whilst I love Instagram and Twitter, I did notice a big dip in my mental health by not contributing to the website. I wanna blame the Christmas season, a new job and food poisoning (Don't Ask!) for being absent and not writing anything new but really I allowed myself to go into a slump by not doing anything productive and, like always, it had a bad effect on everything else. It's okay to have thee little slips just so we know when to pick ourselves back up again.
Another thing I want to do this year is to minimise ordering my books from Amazon or just online in general.
What!! I can hear you asking, but while I promote buying used books and Amazon offers a great range of websites to buy used books from, it doesn't contribute well into local businesses or charities that do the same thing. There are plenty of independent bookshops that sell secondhand books that I want to find and explore all around Scotland, and who I also want to write about in the new year. Plus it means actually getting out of the house and exploring instead of staying inside and browsing.
I want to also read more, which is something I only started doing last year when I wanted to improve my mental health. Not only does reading seem to relax me, but it also keeps me away from my phone and helps concentrate my mind away from any bad and harmful thinking that I do to myself. When we go on social media, we think we are taking a break but all it seems to do is stress people out. I'm not completely shaming social media as it has its good sides but it has become so much a part of day to day life, that we don't know how to switch off from it. Reading helps me do that, I'm not bamboozled by the latest headlines, sad stories or Instagram models claiming to be living the best life possible. It is just me finding time for myself.
Also Yoga !!
I used to do yoga constantly but I hardly ever do it now.
2020 is hopefully going to be fun